Year 1 Maths Learning Together
Year 1 enjoyed exploring Maths with their f...
30 January, 2025 Year 1Welcome to the year group page for Year 1. Here you will find out all of the information you need including news, events and curriculum.
There are three classes in Year 1– Elephants, Giraffes and Zebras.
Our school day is divided into a morning and an afternoon session. Our mornings include a whole class input which takes no more than 15 minutes, after which the children continue their learning either in a guided group with an adult, where Individual feedback is given instantly and they are encouraged to respond to this feedback or next step right away. If they are not working with an adult in a guided group, they choose independent learning from across the Year Group.
The children in Year 1 complete independent learning challenges across all three classes which aims to develop independence and enquiry-based skills. The tasks and learning opportunities are based indoors and outdoors and support children to develop key life skills such as problem solving, innovation, enquiry, creativity, analysis, as well as promoting and reinforcing strong academic skills.
The children also attend a daily small group Phonics session which rotates between indoor and outdoor locations. The children are taught key phonics skills through both guided group teaching and fun interactive games.
Throughout the year the children have the opportunity to share their learning with their families through ‘learning together’ sessions, assemblies and trips.
Each half term we deliver the curriculum through a new topic. Our six topics are: Superheroes, Paws, Claws and Whiskers, Community Explorers, Splendid Skies, Scented Garden and Enchanted Woodlands. We always start each topic with something to ‘Engage’ the children with the learning such as having a dress up day or having visitors in to talk to or teach the children something.
Our Year 1 provision supports children in independently expanding their knowledge and applying their skills through high quality personalised and differentiated learning opportunities using a variety of creative resources that allow them to access the learning based on their individual needs and abilities.
Each term the learning in Year 1 is developed through a topic from the Learning Naturally Curriculum, please click below to see the curriculum overview for 2024-2025.
Overview of Key Stage 1 Curriculum Year 1 24 25
Please click on the link below to read our curriculum newsletters:
Curriculum letter Year 1 Aut 1 Engage
Curriculum letter Year 1 Aut 1 Develop
Curriculum letter Year 1 Aut 1 Innovate
Curriculum letter Year 1 Aut 1 Express
Curriculum letter Year 1 Aut 2 Engage
Curriculum letter Year 1 Aut 2 Develop
Curriculum letter Year 1 Aut 2 Innovate
Curriculum letter Year 1 Aut 2 Express
Curriculum letter Year 1 Spr 1 Engage
Curriculum letter Year 1 Spr 1 Develop
Curriculum letter Year 1 Spr 1 Innovate
Curriculum letter Year 1 Spr 1 Express
Year 1 enjoyed exploring Maths with their f...
30 January, 2025 Year 1At our school, collaboration and learning go hand ...
19 December, 2024 Year 1We are pleased to have launched The Learning Natur...
05 December, 2024 Reception Year 1 Year 2It was so exciting to invite parents and carers to...
03 December, 2024 Year 1There are three classes in Year 1– Elephants, Giraffes and Zebras.
Our school day is divided into a morning and an afternoon session. Our mornings include a whole class input which takes no more than 15 minutes, after which the children continue their learning either in a guided group with an adult, where Individual feedback is given instantly and they are encouraged to respond to this feedback or next step right away. If they are not working with an adult in a guided group, they choose independent learning from across the Year Group.
The children in Year 1 complete independent learning challenges across all three classes which aims to develop independence and enquiry-based skills. The tasks and learning opportunities are based indoors and outdoors and support children to develop key life skills such as problem solving, innovation, enquiry, creativity, analysis, as well as promoting and reinforcing strong academic skills.
The children also attend a daily small group Phonics session which rotates between indoor and outdoor locations. The children are taught key phonics skills through both guided group teaching and fun interactive games.
Throughout the year the children have the opportunity to share their learning with their families through ‘learning together’ sessions, assemblies and trips.
Each half term we deliver the curriculum through a new topic. Our six topics are: Superheroes, Paws, Claws and Whiskers, Community Explorers, Splendid Skies, Scented Garden and Enchanted Woodlands. We always start each topic with something to ‘Engage’ the children with the learning such as having a dress up day or having visitors in to talk to or teach the children something.
Our Year 1 provision supports children in independently expanding their knowledge and applying their skills through high quality personalised and differentiated learning opportunities using a variety of creative resources that allow them to access the learning based on their individual needs and abilities.
Each term the learning in Year 1 is developed through a topic from the Learning Naturally Curriculum, please click below to see the curriculum overview for 2024-2025.
Overview of Key Stage 1 Curriculum Year 1 24 25
Please click on the link below to read our curriculum newsletters:
Curriculum letter Year 1 Aut 1 Engage
Curriculum letter Year 1 Aut 1 Develop
Curriculum letter Year 1 Aut 1 Innovate
Curriculum letter Year 1 Aut 1 Express
Curriculum letter Year 1 Aut 2 Engage
Curriculum letter Year 1 Aut 2 Develop
Curriculum letter Year 1 Aut 2 Innovate
Curriculum letter Year 1 Aut 2 Express
Curriculum letter Year 1 Spr 1 Engage
Curriculum letter Year 1 Spr 1 Develop
Curriculum letter Year 1 Spr 1 Innovate
Curriculum letter Year 1 Spr 1 Express
Year 1 enjoyed exploring Maths with their f...
30 January, 2025 Year 1At our school, collaboration and learning go hand ...
19 December, 2024 Year 1We are pleased to have launched The Learning Natur...
05 December, 2024 Reception Year 1 Year 2It was so exciting to invite parents and carers to...
03 December, 2024 Year 1