Beddington Infants’ school has historically had outstanding outcomes for the children who have attended the school. All stakeholders are constantly evaluating the provision to provide for the children additional opportunities to develop the whole child. This school is committed to Inclusion.
“We are all different, which is great because we are all unique. Without diversity life would be very boring.”
— Catherine Pulsifer
We support all children to leave Beddington Infants’ School with the Seven Gifts and know that Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) should not be a barrier to achieving this.
The Governing Body and staff of Beddington Infants’ School recognise that we all have a responsibility to ensure the additional needs and disabilities of all children are met.
We aim to identify and assess children with SEND as early as possible, and to use our own resources and the services of outside agencies as appropriate to effectively support children’s recognised needs.
The following is Beddington Infants’ Schools approach to identifying children with SEND.
To assess; a clear analysis of the child’s needs is carried out at school by the class teacher with support from the Special Educational Needs & Disability Coordinator (SENDCo), taking into account any concerns raised by parents and carers. This is reviewed regularly and includes input from any professionals who work with the child and school.
If it is assessed as appropriate to provide SEN Support, we will plan the support and interventions the child needs based on the assessment. We make sure that parents and carers are fully aware of the planned support and interventions.
Do and review
We then do the planned support and interventions, reviewing the effectiveness of them and the impact on the child’s progress. We also seek the views of the child and his/her parents and carers. Any changes to the plan following the review are then made in consultation with the pupil and parent.
More SEND information
Kelly Reid is the Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion, overseeing SEND.
Click here to see our SEND Information Report.
Click here to see our SEND Policy.
Click here to see our Graduated Approach.
Click to here to see our Accessibility Plan.
Click here to see the London Borough of Sutton’s Local Offer. You will also be able to access the Local Authority’s Medical Needs Policy from the Local Offer pages. The policy sets out the responsibilities of schools and the local authority to support children with medical needs, and the role of partners including health. Click here for more.
Click here to see the London Borough of Sutton’s SEND Charter.