On-going assessment is an integral aspect of day-to-day learning, informing planning and enabling staff to support every child in making progress across the curriculum. Data is collated termly giving us useful information about trends across the school.
At the end of Reception and Year 2 the data is submitted nationally.
At Beddington Infants’ School, assessment:
- is integral to teaching and learning
- is consistent and age-appropriate throughout the school
- enables teaching staff to respond accurately to the learning needs of each pupil
- provides each child with appropriate provision to make progress
- enables children to demonstrate what they know, understand and can do
- actively involves children in identifying achievements and next steps

- helps children understand the process and language of learning
- is time effective and meaningful
- ensures effective use of all adults to maximise learning opportunities
- is based on best practice from a range of sources
- involves families in the learning process
Key Objectives
- Using formative age-appropriate assessment to inform teaching and providing for the learning needs of all pupils.
- Recording pupils’ skills, knowledge, abilities and achievements using consistent methods and approaches across the school.
- Giving constructive feedback to children in a range of ways that enable them to have an active role in the learning process identifying what they have done well and their own next steps.
- Using a systematic approach for informing parents/carers of their child’s progress and giving advice on how to support learning at home.
- Systematically monitoring and evaluating pupils’ progress on an individual and school basis.
- Involving all staff in the process of assessment and informing them of the
- Sharing information about children’s attainment
For further information about assessment please download the Assessment Policy.