Children can learn and develop new skills and interests through our After School Club provision.
Breakfast Club

The club runs in the school hall.
It opens at 7.30 am.
Children love Breakfast Club
In line with our Healthy School Policy, children have non sugary cereals, fresh fruit, toast, yoghurt etc.
Children enjoy a broad range of activities every morning.
Most children attend regularly so we can accommodate an extra child or two without booking in advance as long as you have registered.
Current Pricing
Booked place from 7.30 am £5.00
Booked place from 8.00 am £4.50
Ad hoc places (without booking) £6.00
All places should be paid for in advance, preferable via Parent Pay or by direct payment int0 the school bank account.
Fore more information please phone the school office on 020 8647 7813.
The Grange After-School Club
If you are interested in After-School Provision up to 6pm and through school holidays, we work in partnership with The Grange After-School Club which is based in Beddington Park.
Children are collected from Beddington Infants’ School and walk the short walk to The Grange where they have a snack and engage in the wide variety of activities on offer, both inside and outside.

Staff at The Grange offer learning opportunities linked to topics at Beddington Infants’ School. In the Autumn, staff from The Grange spend time in our Reception classes, getting to know the children.
As with Breakfast Club, the children love attending the Grange.
Please contact the team at The Grange directly on 07736 338 532.
After-School Clubs in our school hall
In addition to The Grange, each term we offer a wide range of After School Clubs, starting at 3.15pm and finishing at 4.15pm. These take place in Beddington Infants’ School Hall and Dance/Drama Studio.
All Club leaders have enhanced DBS checks. After School Clubs normally run for 10 consecutive weeks across each term. Families are sent information about the clubs available at the beginning of each term, including dates and cost.

The following clubs are currently available
- Lego Club
- Football Club
- Strictly Fun Dancing Club
- Tennis Club
- Gym Club
- Basketball Club
For more information please contact the school office 0n 020 8647 7813.