The Governing Body and staff of Beddington Infants’ School recognise that we all have a responsibility to ensure the additional needs and disabilities of all children are met.
The Governing Body and staff of Beddington Infants’ School recognise that we all have a responsibility to ensure the additional needs and disabilities of all children are met.
Beddington Infants’ School is a fully inclusive school and advocates an inclusive education policy.
Inclusion looks at the needs of all pupils including children with Additional Rights (specific learning difficulties), pupils with emotional and behavioural difficulties, pupils with EAL (English as and Additional Language), looked after and adopted children and pupils considered to be Accelerated Learners or children with particular strengths.
We believe in a truly inclusive provision. We appreciate that everyone is unique and, therefore, special. Through pastoral care and our innovative curriculum, we ensure that every individual child feels a valued member of our school community and is fully involved in every aspect of our provision
We ensure our staff are fully equipped to support ALL of our learners. We ensure the training needs of all staff are up to date and are able to work closely with external agencies to support all learners
We rigorously monitor the learning of all pupils. We apply a graduated response to the identification and assessment of children falling behind age appropriate expectations. Through holistic assessment and close contact with families, we ensure all learners are supported to make progress, adapting the learning environment and seeking advice from external agencies as require
We consistently look at the effectiveness of our provision. At Beddington Infants’ School we reflect and reassess our provision to ensure we are effectively supporting all learners to be the best they can be.
The London Borough of Sutton’s Local Offer for additional needs is viewable on their website. The website address is
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