Children from Beddington Infants’ School enjoy being part of their local community.

Visiting Beddington Park
Year Groups visit Beddington Park at different times through the year to support their learning and explore this beautiful aspect of the community. The Reception children enjoy looking for signs of Autumn and collecting items to bring back to school.
Visiting St Mary’s Church
The children in Year 2 visit St Mary’s Church in Beddington Park. The children learn all about the Church as a Christian place of worship during their religious education lessons. The visit consolidates the children’s learning and they are able to see first hand what it is like to be in the Church and to find out more about Christian worship.
Father Andrew talks to the children about the church, answering their questions. The children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 also visit St Mary’s Church for a carol service at Christmas time.
Visiting Wallington War Memorial
When learning about Remembrance Day, the children in Year 2 visit the Wallington War Memorial. They reflect on how communities can come together to share in events. The children like reading the names on the War Memorial and often find people who had the same surname as them.
Community Explorers
Year 1 children learn about both the people and physical aspects of their community during their topic Community Explorers. The children walk around the local community and explore the types of buildings in the local area. They also learn about the different styles of houses that make up the community.
We are often very fortunate that adults who work in the local community come and talk to the children about their jobs and how they help the community.
Visiting the local Mosque
When the children in Year 2 are learning about Islam, they visit the local mosque in Wallington. The children are always eager to ask lots of questions and link what they have learned in school to the actual place. There are always lots of volunteers to show us around and explain how the Mosque is used in Islamic worship. The children are always very excited to see how colourful it is inside and to learn lots of new things.
Singing in the community
The children in Year 1 and Year 2 love sharing their singing skills with the community. At Christmas time the children in Year 1 sing for the residents of the Bridge House Care Home. The children in Year 2 visit the Holy Trinity Church Altogether Club and sing for them after they have had their lunch.