06 Jun Butterflies in Nursery
Butterflies in Nursery
A few weeks ago an exciting parcel arrived in our classroom…. it was a pot of tiny caterpillars!
They had all they needed in the pot, that gooey brown sludge at the bottom was their food, so we placed them in a safe position and watched as they grew…
and grew…
and grew…
until finally they created their chrysalises.
Then we had to wait for the metamorphosis to take place.
Finally, after just over two weeks, we had butterflies – it was so exciting! Some of our Nursery Cubs actually got to see a butterfly emerging from it’s chrysalis – it did it right in front of our eyes!
We looked after the butterflies in their special butterfly garden for a couple of days and then it was time to let them fly away – what an experience.
Inspired by our beautiful butterflies, we made our own symmetrical butterflies and learned about different ways to create patterns.
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