Children in Reception enjoyed creating a biscuit house during DT. We showed resilience as we persevered until our houses stood upright. The children thoroughly enjoyed eating their biscuit too. [gallery ids="12796,12792,12795,12793,12794"] ...
Reception had their first school trip. We went to Beddington park to explore signs of Autumn. We drew seasonal changes, explored bark rubbing and collected natural objects to bring back to school to create hedgehog homes. We loved every second! Thank you to all the grown ups...
This week in Earth Awareness (similar to Forest School) we were tree detectives. We looked for maple and oak trees around our beautiful school grounds. Afterwards, we enjoyed creating tree paintings using a range of spices. The smells were an added bonus and led to animated...
[gallery ids="12187,12201,12195,12204,12188,12206,12203,12200,12191,12192,12205,12194,12190,12199,12207,12208"] Reception enjoyed looking in the mirrors to paint their own portraits. We painted with accuracy showing key features. Take a look at our wonderful artwork!...
Our new Reception children have settled really well and are enjoying exploring our learning environment. We are making new friends and developing a love for learning. Well done everyone! [gallery ids="12128,12133,12131,12129,12127,12132,12126,12125,12123,12124,12121,12122"] ...
Fiona's Therapy Farm came to visit! We had the opportunity to groom a lamb and take it for a walk around our school grounds. We enjoyed stroking the animals too. We learned so much about how to be kind to them and what they need to stay...
Children in Reception have absolutely loved learning about minibeasts. This week, we used clay to create a bug sculpture each. We rolled our clay into spheres and cylinders, building on our prior learning about 3D shapes. We used natural materials to add wings, legs and antennae to...
[gallery ids="11372,11373,11377,11378,11379,11380"] This week Reception had the opportunity to use Microscopes. We enjoyed using our observation skills to look through the lens. It was interesting looking at different cells. Thank you to the Royal Microscopy Society for lending us all of this interesting equipment. ...
Last week caterpillars arrived in Reception. We are recording and observing how they change over time. During independent learning we are writing predictions. Take a look at our wonderful writing. [gallery ids="11201,11202,11206,11203,11204,11205"]...