At Beddington Infants’ School we aim to ensure that all children enjoy physical activity and actively take part on a daily basis. Through physical activity we provide all children with an understanding of health and fitness and well-being.
Physical Education at Beddington Infants’ School has a focus on the key physical skills which build self-esteem and promote team work. Through learning these skills children can build confidence and participate in all aspects of physical education both in and out of school throughout their lives.
We empower children to evaluate their own progress and become life-long learners. Children will feel inspired to develop their skills and challenge themselves to continue to progress to their full potential. Physical activity takes place daily both through taught sessions and independently thus allowing the children to continually develop and strengthen their skills.
In 2024/2025 our school budget included a Sports Premium allocation of £17,770
Sports Premium Report 19-20
Sports Premium Report 18-19 updated July 2019